Asco Lotus International Travel is a leading tour operator in South East Asia, registered in Hong Kong since 1995.

Having branches in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand allows us to provide consistent and professional service of the same calibre throughout our branches. It also allows us to design unique programmes that incorporate the highlights of two or more of the countries that fall under the Asco Lotus banner. Read More

Under the guidance of an experienced management team and with the expertise of our operational staff we pride ourselves in setting the benchmark when it comes to FIT and Group Travel within Indochina. In recent years, thanks to a strong company ethos, excellent supplier relationships and a formidable creative and innovative MICE team, we have also acquired an excellent reputation with the incentive travel market.


Not known to many for centuries, today this fascinating country is gaining popularity and it’s unexpected and its fascinating surprises are being revealed. In the heart of Indochina’s peninsula, in a land of forested mountains which give rise to immense plateaus, you will find the ancient Kingdom of One Million Elephants – Laos.
In the north the huge mountains that separate Laos from China and Burma are home to many ethnic minorities such as the H’mong, Yao (Mien), Dao, Shan, Lua and Khmu. Tribes that have lived in isolation for centuries, maintaining their ancestral customs. In a valley, eroded by the mighty Mekong river lies the old capital Luang Prabang, a city which is well known for its numerous Buddhist temples and monasteries crafted with such intricate woodwork that the entire city was proclaimed a World Heritage Site to preserve this beauty.Read More

The Laotian religious buildings appear to have a strong mystic power and to understand that you need to admire the architectural masterpieces of Ho Prah Keo or the That Luang in the Vientiane province. Here a bridge connects the two banks of the Mekong River, linking the two different worlds of Laos and Thailand and, even though today they are separated by a border, they once shared a common ancestry. The Mekong River forms the natural border between the two countries and evolves to the beautiful Phapeng Falls just before reaching Cambodia, but before doing so it spreads out to form a marvellous filigree of 4000 islands known as Si Phan Don. Although the road to these regions is not well travelled, it is definitely worth the journey.


Mauro Barattino – General Manager

Tel: +85 621353870

Cell: +66 819067280

Fax: +85 621264430



Address: 174/11 Ban Paxay, Tha Deua Road, Vientiane, Laos


“If you don’t leave the village you won’t see other villages”

– Lao Proverb